Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
This code of conduct relates to both the A and B Finals of the BUSL which make up Finals Dat 2025. Captain's should ensure that every swimmer and spectator attending from their University has read and agreed to this code of conduct.
Event Insurance
We are grateful to AP Race for providing insurance for this event. Teams should also ensure that they are covered by their AU/Sports Department insurance when competing at Finals Day.
Code of Conduct
Please note 'team' refers to all swimmers, coaches and team managers as well as spectators from an individual Univerisity
It is a privilege and not a right for teams to compete in the BUSL and attend Finals Day. We expect teams to treat it as such.
All teams are representatives of their University, the BUSL and AP Race and should behave in a manner befitting this at all times before, during and after the event.
Whilst the Final is by nature a highly compeititve event we expect all swimmers and spectators to uphold respect all other competitors and their fellow supporters at all times. We will not tolerate abusive chanting or bad sportspersonship of any form.
Show respect for and obey all instructions from the BUSL event team, AP Race staff and the venue team. Fellow students have given up a tremendous amount of time to put this day on for you.
Follow pool rules at all times during the warm up and when using the swimdown facility (see pre-event information).
The pool will have a capacity. Captains to ensure this is not exceeded. No diving except when whole lane is a one-way sprint lane. No equipment.
Cool down pool has a fixed capacity that will be informed by the centre, if it is full you must wait for someone else to get out before you enter. Continuous swimming only. No diving. No equipment.
Do not climb out over the electronic timing pads at any time.
Read all of the documents provided in our entry pack and adhere to the guidance and conditions provided in them at all times.
Treat other users of the venue (gym users etc.) with respect at all times - we do not have sole use of the centre.
No smoking, vaping or consumption or alcohol is permitted within the venue.
In the event an alcoholic prize is won by a team/individual this can be collected on the way out at the end of the session.
No glass is to be brought into the venue.
Respect your seating allocation and don't encroach on others or obstruct fire exits, gangways and stairwells. If more space is needed please speak to the BUSL event team and we will do our best to sort for you.
Pack minimally for the event and adhere to the 'no large bags poolside rule'. Use lockers provided for large bags and take only drawstring bags poolside.
If bringing in additional camping chairs these must be completely clean and first checked by the BUSL and venue team before being erected.
Ensure when moving through the centre and in the spectators area swimmers are dry, wearing clothes (shorts and t-shirts minimum) and footwear. Footwear must be removed when returning poolside.
Ensure the venue is cleared promptly at the end of your session (the BUSL will ensure enought time is left for this). Please do not hang around at the end of your session.
Leave the venue as you found it. Numerous waste points will be available for use, please use them. We know what teams have been sitting where.
Use social media to showcase your club and the event in a positive light. Social media usage which reflects negatively on the centre, AP Race or BUSL will be liable to sanctions.
Insurance and AP Specific Conditions
AP Race will not accept liability for any accidents or injuries sustained, should attendees fail to follow the venues rules and practices.
AP Race will also not accept liability for any lost personal property. There are lockers on site, however it is advised attendees avoid bringing valuable personal belongings with them.
Any damage sustained to the venue by attendees of the competition will be liable to billing to the respective team/student involved.
Any behaviour which negatively impacts on AP Race's brand or affects other users of the facility will be liable to a fine of up to £1000 to the offending student/team involved.
Breaking the Code of Conduct
Teams that break the code of conduct or any of the event conditions listed in the BUSL Finals Day entry pack at any time before, during or after the event render themselves at risk of disciplinary proceedings.
Examples of sanctions are listed below:
Points deduction
Removal of individual ± whole team from the venue
Permanent suspension of the team from the BUSL (minimum 3 years)
Fine of up to £1000
We will write to all Universities of teams who break our code of conduct and encourage them to also peruse disciplinary proceedings against said team.
All teams members (coaches, team managers and swimmers) must sign on the form attached to be granted entry to the centre. Captains should give this form to the BUSL Event Team upon arrival.